There's art in everything. In Everything, there's art.
I've always had a love for art. The possibility of awakening creativity, to make something out of nothing, is what first inspired me to pick up a pencil. I'm 16; young enough to dream without limits, and old enough to begin to pave my own way. Finding myself in a world that wants me to conform to a "default" can be difficult; sometimes it feels like life is only one dimensional - that life is just the situation at hand. However, through each chapter and faith in God, finding my passion helped me understand that life is more than what I can make out with my eyes. It is reading between the lines, seeing the bigger picture, and knowing the difference between where I am and where I'm meant to be. In many ways, life is like a movie, like a book. We all have origin stories, people that expand our knowledge through each chapter, each page, each episode. The only difference between movies and life is that even if we plan life, we can never be sure that that's how it ends. It might sound scary but that also means we can choose how we live it. Do we see things one dimensional, or two, or more? Well, my origin story is still unfolding, however, I know this episode is important, not because it's been written out for me to see, but because I own the expansion of my creativity, and I know this is just the beginning. Through each pencil stroke, I find love, joy, and contentment and I am one step closer to being where I am meant to be. My greatest pieces have combined elements of the past, present, and future from my point of view, through my lens; but one thing that intertwines art, life, and story is perception. Art IS perception. My dream is to become an animator so I can create groundbreaking films and TV shows that represent where I come from, my story, and reflect the diversity that we see in the Americas. I have high hopes of advancing both the art and film industry through genuine humility, creativity, technological and conceptual advancements, and teamwork.
I'm constantly learning to find the truth and to read between the lines.
See the bigger picture.
In art there's everything, and in everything there's art.
- Jaylah A'Drianna H.